Create EKS Blueprints

Create EKS Blueprints

Refer to how to create Github Repository

  1. Access to New repository of Github

    • In the Create a new repository interface, enter my-eks-blueprints for Repository name
    • Select Public
    • Select Create repository

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. After creating repository successfully

    • Copy and store HTTPS path of Git repository

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. In the Github interface we will install and create token

    • Select Avatar of your Github account
    • Select Settings

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. Then scroll down and select Developer settings

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. In the Developer settings interface

    • Select Personal access tokens
    • Select Generate new token

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. In the Generate new token interface

    • Note, enter eks-workshop-toke
    • Select the following scope: repo and admin:repo_hook
    • Select Generate token

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. Select Generate token

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. Complete Generate token

    • Copy and store token

Create EKS Blueprints

Refer to how to create Personal Access Token

  1. Do a clone repository
git clone<your-alias>/my-eks-blueprints.git

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. Change the directory path.
cd ~/environment/my-eks-blueprints

Create EKS Blueprints