Create CDK project

Create CDK project

  1. Change the path to main repo and make a new CDK project using typescript
cd ~/environment/my-eks-blueprints
cdk init app --language typescript

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. In the Cloud9 environment interface

    • View sidebar
    • View structure of project
    • lib / : This is where your stack or construct CDK projects are defined.
    • bin / my-eks-blueprints.ts : This is the entrypoint of the CDK project. It will load the constructs defined in lib / .

You can see more documentation on CDK

Create EKS Blueprints

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1
export ACCOUNT_ID=212454837823
  • Note: remember to change your ACCOUNT_ID to perform the lab.

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. We initialize Boostrap account

    • To bootstrapping we execute the command.
cdk bootstrap --trust=$ACCOUNT_ID \
  --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \
  • When executing bootstrap successfully, the following will appear:
Environment aws://212454837823/ap-southeast-1 bootstrapped.

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. Install dependencies.

    • The dependencies need to be updated, open the file package.json and change the version of typescript to **4.6.
    • Then do reinstall the package
rm -rf node_modules
npm i

Create EKS Blueprints

  1. After reinstalling the correct version

    • We continue to run the command to install the eks-blueprints module for project
npm i @aws-quickstart/eks-blueprints

Create EKS Blueprints